About SoftLift
For a nonsurgical facelift in Edmonton and Calgary, consider Soft Lift™. An exciting facial rejuvenation option at EvelineCharles Salons | Spas | Beauty MD, Soft Lift™ addresses multiple signs of aging at the same time, with minimal downtime. Soft Lift™ can address lines on both the upper and lower portions of the face, giving you a noticeably renewed appearance.
Request a consultation with a Beauty MD Image Consultant to learn more about Soft Lift™ treatments by calling 780-424-5666

Soft Lift™
Aging is a natural process in which cells begin to renew themselves more slowly. For your skin, this means less collagen and hyaluronic acid to support and fill out the layers of skin. Environmental effects of pollution, sun exposure, stress and smoking can all increase this effect. Over time, this combination of factors contributes to the three D’s of aging – deterioration with fine lines, wrinkles and texture change, descent i.e. droopiness or sagging skin, and/or deflation with loss of fullness or volume.
Soft Lift™ Benefits
This treatment combines benefits of BOTOX® Cosmetic and Juvéderm® filler to restore a natural and youthful appearance.
• Overall refreshed look that is subtle and natural looking
• Restores lost fullness and enhances facial contours all in one session
• A balanced refreshed look that is totally you
How Soft Lift™ Treatments Work
The idea behind Soft Lift™ is that by combining the treatments of Juvéderm® filler with BOTOX® Cosmetic, our Edmonton and Calgary patients can get an optimal, overall result that keeps their natural look in balance. BOTOX® Cosmetic is a purified protein that relaxes muscles and smoothes away wrinkles. Juvéderm® is a safe, injectable gel that can instantly improves your appearance by smoothing lines, wrinkles and restoring lost volume.
Soft Lift™ offers the combined benefits of these injectables with a single treatment session.
What to Expect
Whether it’s a beauty or fashion makeover, we all know that it’s the total look that counts. How everything works together is just as important as the individual pieces. When BOTOX® Cosmetic and Juvéderm® filler are used together, the effect is balanced, subtle and entirely natural looking.
An injectable filler made with hyaluronic acid, a substance that occurs naturally in your skin. This smooth gel is eased gently under your skin, adding volume and hydration. When injected below creases like those that run between your nose and the corners of your mouth (“parentheses” or nasolabial folds), JUVÉDERM plumps up the skin to reduce the crease. It can also be injected into areas that have thinned with age (such as cheeks), to add volume.
Is the Soft Lift™ Painful?
The procedure does involve injections. Any discomfort is generally brief and minimal.The filler is formulated with lidocaine, a pain-reducing medication, to make the injection a more comfortable experience. Unlike a surgical procedure such as a face lift, you will not be under general anesthesia unless requested if you are most sensitive to injections.
What is the Downtime?
Downtime is minimal. Most patients return to their normal routines immediately following treatment. Redness, swelling, bruising and headache to a certain degree may result, however these side effects may be covered up with light makeup or will gradually diminish within a few hours to a few days.
How Long Will Soft Lift™ Treatment Last?
Wrinkle smoothing injectables can last up to 6 – 24 months depending on the type of filler and the targeted area. The patient’s lifestyle can also affect how long the results last.
What EvelineCharles Locations Offer Soft Lift™
A consultation is required before treatment. Call to book in for your complimentary consultation with one of our Beauty MD Clinical Consultants.
Edmonton Beauty MD Clinical Consultant: 780-424-5666